Lynn Care Service

Learning disabilities and Autism

Learning disabilities, Autism, Mental Health Problems and associated Challenging Behaviour

Learning disability 
We offer our support to people with mild to profound and multiple learning disabilities. They may also have other conditions like Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. We ensure that our care and support workers are properly trained to meet the specific needs of the person. People with a learning disability may struggle to communicate or express themselves when planning care with them, but we try our best to involve them by using different ways of communication such as Makaton, picture exchange communication systems, using objects of references etc. We encourage them to make decisions about themselves and promote independence.

People with autism require varying support needs. Their great challenge is being misunderstood, as well as misunderstanding others. Over or under sensitivity are also major causes of the anxiety around them. They are often required to be supported by a competent and properly trained care and support worker. When supporting people with autism, we believe it must be a two-way learning process between the care giver and the receiver. Personalised visual communications, Social Stories and enabling autism friendly environments are the primary tools that we use to offer and review the effectiveness regularly.

Mental Health Problems 
Being patient and good listening skills are the keys when supporting people with mental health problems. Being observant and reassuring are a major theme of the daily support routine. 

Challenging Behaviour  
People affected by the above conditions may sometimes or constantly struggle to express their feelings by words or any other ways that they usually communicate. These behaviours can also be contributed by other factors such as environment, underlying health etc.

 In our incident monitoring approach, we place comprehensive emphasis on evaluating all relevant aspects. This encompasses examining patterns of behaviour, assessing the frequency of occurrences, considering sensory-related issues that might trigger or affect the individual, documenting memorable events that could be linked to these expressions or reactions, identifying unexpected changes in their behaviour or communication methods, and considering various other contributing factors that may shed light on their unique situation. Our aim is to gain a holistic understanding of the individual’s experiences and responses, enabling us to provide appropriate support and interventions.

Supporting vulnerable people to enjoy life in the best way possible.